About Us
The story behind a website designed by a speech pathologist and a dentist, filled with content by speech pathologists and occupational therapists.

Our story
While You Wait was launched in 2023 by speech pathologist Jessica Young with the help of her brother Joel, a dentist who also happens to be an IT wizard.
Jessica owns and operates a multidisciplinary clinic in Townsville, North QLD that launched in 2014 and offers speech pathology and occupational therapy for children. Over the past several years, waitlists for therapy services have spiralled to anywhere from 6 to 36 months.
Jessica and her team discussed how to provide better support to the clients stuck on their clinic waitlist. This discussion snowballed and Jessica spoke to her brother Joel about designing a website. Over the next 18 months, Jessica worked with Joel to create a purpose built website that would host an online library with tailored resources to support families on waitlists. Jessica has designed the printable therapy resources to ensure they were all visually pleasing with bright colours and parent friendly instructions.
For our webinars, it is intentional that they are all pre-recorded so that they can be viewed on demand at a time that is convenient for parents. We also know that parents very rarely get a large chunk of time all at once, so they can pause and play the webinars as needed.
Joel has patiently taught Jessica how to run an online store and website and provides IT support when help is needed. One of the amazing speech pathologists from the Townsville clinic who is also talented in IT has completed the video editing so our webinars are beautifully polished. Thank you IT Cassie!
This truly has been a passion project with years of work to create the current content. We believe it offers exceptional value to parents and all information has been thoughtfully chosen to ensure we can be confident it will be helpful for all families.
When Jessica isn't busy running her Townsville clinic, she loves spending time with her two kids (2 and 5 yo) and her husband. Family beach trips on the weekend are her favourite!